Embedding Gallery

PHP Nuke / PostNuke

PHP Nuke / PostNuke

Embedding Gallery into PHP Nuke or PostNuke is incredibly easy. We already assume you have successfully setup your CMS (Content Management System).

  1. Download Gallery, from the Download Page

  2. Untar Gallery and upload it to your Nuke modules/ directory. It is very important that it goes in this directory

  3. Install Gallery just as if you were doing a non-nuke installation, see one of the following guides: Unix with Shell Access, Unix with FTP Access, Windows on Apache, Windows on IIS

  4. Through Nuke, login as an admin and navigate to the "Modules" administration tool. Install and activate Gallery (in Postnuke, you may need to "regenerate" the list of modules). You must activate the module or only admins will be able to access it

  5. Your Gallery is installed through Nuke! In PHP-Nuke, Gallery should show up in the Modules block. In PostNuke, you may need to manually add it to the menu.


You can change the name of the gallery directory in your modules/ directory. Gallery will detect the changes and do the right thing.